Interview with Lorena Heras, Education spokesperson for the Popular Party in Madrid

Lorena Heras portavoz de Educación del PP en la Asamblea de Madrid

Lorena Heras talks to Federico Quevedo on El Balance about the return to the classrooms after the summer, when we are still fighting the pandemic. Also she spoke about the new education law. Regarding the return to school, Heras stresses that last year the Education Department of the capital was very well planned and prudent. […]

Interview with Juan Ramón Bauzá, MEP of Ciudadanos

Juan Ramón Bauzá en el Parlamento Europeo

Federico Quevedo interviews Ciudadanos MEP Juan Ramón Bauzá on what is happening in Cuba. He complains that the Internet has been cut off by the regime so that no images of the protests can be seen. People cannot see what is really happening. According to Bauzá, the popular demonstration has brought Miguel Díaz-Canel’s (President of […]

Interview with Enrique Núñez, General Secretary of the PP in the Assembly of Madrid

Enrique Núñez, secretario general del PP en la Asamblea de Madrid.

The general secretary of the Popular Party (PP) in the Assembly of Madrid, Enrique Núñez, talks to Federico Quevedo about the party in Madrid. According to Núñez, “we are very proud of the result”. The secretary affirms that the initial formation of the parliamentary group was difficult, “parameters of all the deputies are adjusted to […]

Interview with Ángeles Álvarez, feminist activist and former PSOE MP

Ángeles Álvarez exdiputada del PSOE

The draft bill for the real and effective equality of transgender people and for the guarantee of LGTBI rights, known as the ‘Trans Law’, was approved at the end of June. This new law has been fraught with controversy between the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, and the First Vice-President, Carmen Calvo. Both represented the […]

Interview with Jaime de Olano, PP deputy and vice-secretary for participation

Jaime de Olano, diputado del PP en el Congreso

The government of Pedro Sánchez finally granted pardons to the nine people convicted of the independence process in Catalonia. On their release from prison, those pardoned said they would continue to work for the independence of Catalonia. Jaime de Olano, deputy in the Congress and deputy-secretary of participation of the Popular Party talks about this […]

Interview with Carlos Carrizosa, leader of Ciudadanos in the Catalan Parliament

Carles Carrizosa en una rueda de prensa de Ciudadanos

Carlos Carrizosa reviews the day of protest in Plaza de Colón with Federico Quevedo in El Balance. The PP, Ciudadanos and Vox parties once again gathered to show their rejection of the pardons for the prisoners of the pro-independence trial that could be granted by the central government in the coming weeks. For Carrizosa, this […]

Interview with Daniel López Acuña, epidemiologist and former executive of the WHO

Daniel López Acuña en el Congreso de los Diputados

The epidemiologist Daniel López Acuña talks to Federico Quevedo about the latest changes made by the Ministry of Health to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. In just one week, Health has gone from a totally restrictive proposal to opening up some competencies to the Autonomous Communities. According to López Acuña, “before talking about competences, it is […]

Interview with Josep Ramón Bosch, president of Lliga Democràtica of Catalonia

Josep Ramón Bosch, presidente de Lliga Democràtica

The president of Lliga Democràtica and former president of Societat Civil Catalana, Josep Ramón Bosch, talks to Federico Quevedo about the pardons that the government is preparing. A letter from Oriol Junqueras, leader of Esquerra Republicana (ERC) and convicted for the 2017 pro-independence process, was published today. In it, Junqueras acknowledges that the unilateral path […]