Interview with Lorena Heras, Education spokesperson for the Popular Party in Madrid

Lorena Heras talks to Federico Quevedo on El Balance about the return to the classrooms after the summer, when we are still fighting the pandemic. Also she spoke about the new education law. Regarding the return to school, Heras stresses that last year the Education Department of the capital was very well planned and prudent. […]
Interview with Enrique Núñez, General Secretary of the PP in the Assembly of Madrid

The general secretary of the Popular Party (PP) in the Assembly of Madrid, Enrique Núñez, talks to Federico Quevedo about the party in Madrid. According to Núñez, “we are very proud of the result”. The secretary affirms that the initial formation of the parliamentary group was difficult, “parameters of all the deputies are adjusted to […]
Madrid hosts the world’s first 100% Recyclable Plastic Museum

EsPlásticos, the platform that brings together the different agents of the sector, is inaugurating the first 100% recyclable Plastic Museum in the world: The Plastic Museum. It will be located in Madrid, in the Plaza de Juan Goytisolo, opposite the Reina Sofía, and will be inaugurated on 8 May with the Mayor of the capital, […]